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Version: 4.0

Configuring on web

  • Workflow is not available for supOS-lite.
  • Make sure there are workflows developed on supOS.
  1. Log in to supLink web, and then click App Manage.
  2. Under Base App, click Edit on Workflow.
QR codeUse supLink app to scan the code to access the application directly.
Visible rangeSet the application visible range. Select roles to grant permissions when set Visible range to Part visible or Part invisible.
Select groupSelect an app group for the application.
Setting PageAdd the first page for the workflow that shows on mobile when start a new workflow process.
  1. Set the first page of the workflow, and then click Save.

Viewing Effect on Mobile

  1. Install supLink mobile on your phone, start it and enter the supLink server address, tap Start.
  2. Log in with the same account as supOS.
  3. Scroll down the workflow page from the top, scroll left and tap New to start a workflow.

For each task, including start a workflow and finish node tasks, a notice will be sent to supLink mobile in the Message tab.

    1. Select a workflow.
    2. Enter the information to start the workflow.
    3. Tap Submit.
  1. Scroll right and select a workflow under To-do to finish the task.
    1. Review the information sent from the last step of the workflow.
    2. Tap Approve.
    3. Tap Submit.
1Workflow viewView the workflow diagram and see the current step.
2Review pageThe page linked in the workflow for review.
3Page layoutChange the review page between PC layout and mobile form.
4SaveSave the currently entered information.
5EntrustDelegate the review task to another personnel.
6Task handlingSelect whether to approve or reject the request submitted from the previous step.
  1. Under Done, tap the workflow to view its details and tap Fallback to withdraw the workflow when there is any mistakes.
  2. Under History, tap the workflow to view its details and tap Abandoned to destroy the workflow when necessary.